Dr Uwana Evers

Uwana is a Research Fellow at the UWA Business School, University of Western Australia. She is a BPS Chartered Psychologist, has a PhD in Psychology from the University of Wollongong.

Uwana’s PhD research centred of the development, implementation and evaluation of a health-related social marketing campaign. Prior to her current academic post, Uwana spent a year in London working as a Psychology Research Analyst at Thomas International, a psychometrics company. She spent time working with academics at University College London and University of Hertfordshire working on projects in health, educational, and dance psychology. Uwana recently taught undergraduate Marketing Research, and her research interests include behaviour change, social marketing, personal values, prosocial behaviour, charitable giving, and cross-cultural psychology.

She has presented at numerous international conferences including International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), World Social Marketing Conference (WSMC), and the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Association Conference (ANZMAC) and her research has been published in journals including BMC Public Health, Patient Education & Counseling, and Tourism Management.


  Academic Profile

Why The Values Project?

The Values Project is a multi-year program between The University of Western Australia and Pureprofile that is partly funded by a Linkage Grant from the Australian Research Council (LP150100434). It enables people to understand how values shape and influence the things that matter most to them in life. A greater understanding of values can help people choose goals and plan for their future by making better decisions.

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